Here you can see our collection of purses from exclusive brands such as Tods and Jerome Dreyfuss. Whenever possible we try to obtain the matching wallet to a bag. During purchasing we pay attention to functionality, convenience and appearance.
Wallets exclusively online at Marjon Snieders
Here you can see our collection of purses from exclusive brands such as Tods and Jerome Dreyfuss. Whenever possible we try to obtain the matching wallet to our bags. During purchasing we pay attention to functionality, convenience and appearance.
Ordering exclusive accessories online at Marjon Snieders
Every season we have beautiful jewellery, shawls, hats and caps, socks and gloves in our shop. An exclusive range of accessories from well-known brands such as Isabel Marant, IRO, Ami Paris, Golden Goose and many more. Are you looking for a special, unique or even personalized piece of jewelry? For an extensive collection of jewelry from brands such as Just Franky and Isabel Marant, you are also more than welcome in our physical store in Roermond. In our online shop you will also find an extensive and very exclusive range of fashion, shoes, shoes and accessories from well-known brands. So you can also order our entire collection online!
Service of Marjon Snieders
Our goal is to provide the same high-quality service in our store as we do in our online shop. Every day we work with a fixed team for the webshop. From in-house photography, customer service, preparing all orders for shipment and return handling to translating the latest trends in our blogs and through our social media channels Instagram and Facebook.
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